I was giving Rick a break from cooking supper ( he has been taking care of me since surgery ) so I decided I wanted a good southern meal. I was going to make soup beans, ( pinto beans) cornbread and green onions. That sounded so good and he was looking forward to it to. Well in order to proceed I needed his help. ( again, I only have a left hand for now ) He was in the kitchen to cutting up deer meat for jerky so I asked him to open the bag and pour some out on the counter. He asked , why are you doing that? I then told him I had to look 'em. Look 'em he said in a weird tone. Yes look 'em ! Now he says he's never had soup beans until he met me but of course he also gets a shopping cart when he goes to Wal-Mart! Not anymore now we get a buggy !! I'm trying to teach him some proper southern talk and he ain't gettin' it to easy. Anyway back to the bean story. I told him you have to look 'em to get out the bad beans, rocks, corn, etc. Laughing he said , that's a new one on me then turned around and said he had to look his deer meat - smarty pants ! I got the beans looked and soaked and we had our delicious southern meal the next night.
Shoulder update- First let me say ouch ! My brother took me to my appointment Thursday and the Dr. took off part of my robotic immobilizer. I now just have the padded sling on and begin therapy Monday - tomorrow ! Still no driving, which is the toughest part but at least I get time to blog ! I bet you're wondering - A) if she can't drive how is she getting to therapy and B) how in the heck is she typing all of this !
A- that's where my mom, siblings,boyfriend and my buddy Bill are going to come onto the picture. Now Bill has no clue he is going to help out but he told me not long after surgery if I needed a ride or anything to call him - well Bill pick up your phone I need a ride home on Thursdays !! :)
My therapy will be 3 days a week for 3 weeks then I go back to the Dr. for a check up then on to more intense therapy of strength training. Yes I'm going to have strength in my right arm again-'bout time !
B) typing -I am getting pretty dang good left handed. I told someone the other day that my writing looks like I went from Kindergarten to 4th grade :)
365 project - My picture a day for every single day of the year is going pretty good. When you sit inside all day there's not a whole lot you can shoot so you will notice one picture is of mu ah :)
Snow - My boyfriends mom keeps sending me pictures of the tons of snow they are getting - I told her to keep that crap up there ! We haven't had to much here and that's the way I like it. Being a southern gal, I don't drive when it's white out. By the way thanks MaryAnn for being my first blog-follower !
Photo shoot tomorrow at moms. Yes one handed !! Since I have to catch a ride to work with Rick then, a pick up from mom, then hang out at moms until my 2:45 appointment - I thought why not ! Maggie is coming over for a fun day of picture taking and getting all prissy. I will post those pictures next week. Until then from my PC to yours - ta-ta !
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