I finally have everything unpacked so far and almost in it's place. I still have a few more things to pick up but that won't be til warmer weather. I will post pictures soon. This is a very BIG change from what I'm used to. Now I get up, shower, go to work, come home an do nothing! Heck, I only have to drive every other week too!! No laundry, cooking, dishes, absolutely nothing. I have cooked one meal but only to take to moms for New Years Day while we sat around watching bowl games and playing cards. I made lasagna, they loved it and I got to cook. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy cooking and baking but for now, I'm not missing it. Do you know how hard it is to cook for one person, so why bother, plus I seem to have lost my appetite. A few girls at work named this type of weight loss but I will keep it clean on here ☺ I have already dropped 2 jean sizes and tomorrow it's time for a completely new-do!
I have been watching a lot of Food Network and HGTV - gotta love those networks! I thought I would change some of my TV habits and get rid of some sitcoms, I'm not sure which is more addictive. Dad, can you answer this, you seem to be the TV pro!
Harley is headed to Lori's tomorrow. I got a call from the vet that she did great with surgery, has all her shots up to date so she is ready to go.I'll pick her up tomorrow and take her to meet Hank. They will get along great! I'll find something soon so I can keep her with me, she's a great dog and loves to run, not for the "in town" life.
My carpool buddy and I hit some gravel roads coming home the other day and we came across great find . We WILL go back and explore before the snakes come out ☺
Well, I think I hear the couch calling my name, I better answer.
Here's to New Beginnings!
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