Friday, November 28, 2008

Writing,shopping and setting up props

I'm trying to get a little more creative with my writing so I recently purchased this book. Now,don't worry there will always be stories from a day in my life ;) I just want to beef it up a bit. My plan is to someday write better,captivating descriptions about my old house photos and hopefully get them into a book. Someone that inspires me by her descriptions is one of my contacts on flickr - you can see her work here. My own book - now won't that be great !! I will give you progress as I go.

OK, my title shows setting up props. Well here are a few that I have ready for my photoshoot on Sunday. I will have those posted next week.

What do ya think? This rocking was given to me by my Grandma Johnson a longggggg time ago. It is in immaculate condition. I got this because I was the fist grand-daughter. Ahhh !
This is wrapping paper :)

It was time to update some pictures so what better time than right after a hair appointment. I had finished with the snow look on my backdrop and wanted to get the lighting set so here ya go - ME!

And yes - I HAVE been good ! This is my new hat for the shopping trip for Black Friday. My mom,sisters and sister in law get together every Black Friday to get some deals ! Well this year it was just mom,Gina and myself. Lori had to pick up her daughter,Kathern (sis in law) was tired from her first time of having her family over to her house for Thanksgiving dinner and the other shopper Kim (brothers GF) was tired too. So us 3 meet up at Wal -Mart at 5:00 AM for the fun to begin. Mom makes us wear Santa hats so we are easy to find - it's a traditional thing :) Now can she find us in the ! This year was actually funny - she told us while having breakfast that while at Younkers a lady asked her for the price of something in the store.....why ?, cause all the employees had a Santa hat on ! HA !!

Are we nuts ? YES! This was the crowd I pushed my way through at 5:00 AM to get my Garmin Nuvi for $97.00 at Wal-Mart this morning. I got it,plus more. The crowd was pushy and rude - I think after Thanksgiving they need to start being a little nicer and give thanks that someone don't turn around and smack some sense into them ! I had to go out and have a smoke while Gina held my place in line. This is getting more nerve racking every year but - I will be back at it again next year so I need to get over it :)

Time for breakfast - when you get up at 3, by 7 you are hungry ! We done out usual traditional thing and went to Perkins - the food is so good there !! It was not too crowded when we got there but by the time we left - the line had formed. Now it's off to the casino !!

This grand piano was calling to us ! What a crew - Liberace we are not !! But it was a good photo op ! The spots are dust or at least I think it is. I sat the camera on the piano and used the timer so I could get in this shot :) The next one is mom playing and Gina singing - yeah right ,we didn't want to run everyone off - they are faking it - HA !

Hey look it is a big tree- let's pretend to decorate ! I don;t think anyone saw us because no straight jackets were ordered :)

Day is done and boy was everyone exhausted !! Mom & Gina found yet another great shot at a picture. The only problem was, they didn't want to get up ! The time is now 2:00 PM - we are going to Long John Silvers for lunch then I am headed home - my feet were killing me and I was BROKE !! They were going to hit a couple more stores- not this gal.
"Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination. "-Oscar Wilde

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